LISTECH Neo Major Upgrade
This release of Neo now offers Least Squares adjustment of measurements for traverse and network frameworks, supports Singapore cadastral survey submissions and GDA2020 coordinate systems and transformations.
The full list of features includes:
- Template designed for Singapore LandXML cadastral survey submissions
- Import legacy SG P.O. Lots files
- Import legacy SG SVY and JOB cadastral survey submission files
- Import SG LandXML files created by the Singapore Land Authority Cadastral Survey Management System
- Export SG LandXML files suitable for Land lot submissions to the Singapore Land Authority
- Improved viewing and editing of measurements
- Improved reporting when processing measurements
- Automated creation of traverses from total station measurements
- Least Squares traverse adjustment of measurements imported from total stations
- Least Squares network adjustment with options for minimally constrained or constrained adjustments
- Validate command to allow for pre-processing of measurement data
- Support for attribute definition Groups to allow hierarchies of attributes
- Quick display of Point Names, Point Layers and Heights in Model view
- Create lines parallel to other lines and provide numerous methods for the height calculation
- Enhanced Bearing / Bearing intersection command to provide numerous methods for height calculation
- Display 3D view in Perspective or Orthographic mode • GDA2020 coordinate systems and transformations
- AutoCAD 2018 DWG and DXF import and export • Enhancements to AutoCAD DWG import
- Enhancements to MicroStation DGN import
- Enhancements to buildingSMART IFC import and export
- Enhancements to 12D ASCII import and export
- Enhancements to Trimble Job XML export
- Support for localisation to languages other than English
- Annotation objects have been renamed to Text objects in line with industry standards
- Xchange Text module has been renamed to Xchange User Defined to more clearly define its functionality
- Xchange LISCAD module is now included as part of the base system
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