Release of LISTECH Neo CAD Module

LISTECH Neo CAD module is now available.

We are pleased to announce the release of the all-new CAD module, which is an integrated part of LISTECH Neo, the next generation surveying, engineering and geospatial software. Some of the key features of the CAD module include:

CAD Module Overview

CAD Module Overview

The Neo CAD module is a new purchasable option that adds integrated CAD functionality to your existing Neo software. With this new module there is no need to export your model data to an external CAD system to prepare final quality plans. With support for virtually unlimited drawings in a project, an inbuilt drawing template library, extensive support for viewports to visualise your model data, and powerful drawing and modifying tools, the ability to create final quality plans has never been easier.

Drawings and Drawing Views

Drawings and Drawing Views

Neo Drawing objects represent a single plan, map, or sheet and are visualised through a new drawing view. A Neo drawing can contain a plan frame, line work, symbols, blocks, text, as well as multiple views into the model. Drawing management tools enable you to copy or delete drawings, edit drawing properties like the drawing name, description, sheet set, sheet number, unique drawing number, printer, sheet size and margins. New drawings can be created from drawing templates and plotted as a batch.

Viewport Support

Viewport Support

Viewport objects provide a custom view into the Neo model that automatically update to reflect any changes made in the model. A Neo drawing can contain multiple viewports that can be rectangular, circular, or free form in shape, have their own scale, rotation, display options, and layer settings (visibility, line style, colour and weight). Viewports can be a plan or 3D (perspective or orthographic) view into the model and can be locked to avoid accidental editing. Viewport borders can also be viewed in the model view making it easy to check coverage and overlaps.

Drawing Templates

Drawing Templates

Drawings can be saved as Drawing Templates so that plan frames, viewports, logos, and other custom content can be easily reused to create new drawings. The use of templates can save you a great deal of time because in many cases standardised plan frames are required when preparing plans for land, water, or road authorities. With the ability to link project attributes to text objects within drawing templates, a significant portion of your plan preparation can be automatically completed.

Draw Tools

Draw Tools

The Neo CAD module includes an extensive array of tools for drawing straight lines, circular arcs, circles, splines, rectangles, polygons, symbols, blocks, text, and images. These Draw tools have been designed to be intuitive to use and optimised for the rapid creation of objects while drafting. A flexible Grid tool allows the display of a grid that can be used as a guide, with an option for automatic snapping of objects to the grid corners to assist with aligning objects.

Modify Tools

Modify Tools

A number of Modify tools are included that enable easy editing of existing drawing objects. The Move tool allows the moving of individual vertices, edges parallel, or an entire selection of objects. Using the Explode tool enables lines, rectangles, and symbols to be exploded into individual line segments, while blocks can be exploded into their individual objects. The Join tool allows lines, circular arcs, splines and polygons to be joined while the Break tool allows lines, splines and rectangles to be broken at a vertex.

CAD Import and Export

Import and Export

Neo provides a rich and flexible exchange of its drawings with other CAD systems. Neo drawings can optionally be exported to AutoCAD as Layouts or MicroStation as Sheets. In addition, Neo drawings can optionally be created when importing Layouts via AutoCAD DWG/DXF, or Sheets via MicroStation DGN or LISCAD CAD. Compatibility with viewports from other CAD systems is maintained where possible as is basic support for attributes attached to AutoCAD Blocks.

CAD Drawing Template Tutorial

CAD Drawing Template Tutorial

A new tutorial that shows how to customise drawings to create drawing templates has been added to the inbuilt tutorials library. With this tutorial you are taken step-by-step through setting properties for drawings, including printer, sheet size, and margins. It also demonstrates how to customise a plan frame to add lines, a north point block, a company logo, and link project attributes to text objects for efficient plan preparation. Finally, it steps you through how to save the customised drawings as drawing templates and in turn the project template.


Getting the Neo CAD Module

Neo licences that have the CAD module included, and are on LISTECH Cover or have a Leica Geosystems Customer Care Package (CCP) with an expiry date of June 1, 2022 or later, can download, install, and run this release via the downloads section of the LISTECH Neo product page. For licences that do not have the CAD module included, you can request a quotation to have the module added via the Get a Quote page.

To find out more about LISTECH Cover visit the LISTECH Cover page or request a quotation via the LISTECH Cover Quote form. For further information please contact us via one of the methods detailed on our Contact Us page.

Note: The LISTECH Update Service installed with Neo should automatically keep your software up-to-date. You can check your currently installed version in the File / About dialog in Neo.

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